Tip of the Afternoon | GM中国

大家好 ~ Everyone, I'll be blogging for my Chinese friends and curious internet homies using simple English to explain complex technological problems.

The first problem is getting a job after your confidence, experience and skills are strong enough to be awesome at the roles you are applying for.

The solution, of course, is how you frame yourself.

Hashnode as a collection of articles

Preparing for giving my workshop at EthChicago mid-September, I'll be updating and refining my previous content, such as https://iodized-motorcycle-19d.notion.site/How-to-WIN-Every-Hackathon-5d0ea96a4cfd4ddcb931b2c24b9aeeb6?pvs=4.

Creating a 1-page resume for Developer Relations

My good friend Cromewar shared a Figma template with me and encouraged me to keep reframing, repurposing, and remixing my work. Thanks!

Leave me feedback and let me know!
And if you every get curious about Hackathon Workshops (and workshops about them, check out this playlist by the Web3 Library: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBvkpQRfsxdNDjMtKw0NkEoyM0tR56aYB)